Emergencies numbers in Spain
• For all urgent care and emergencies in Spain, such as the need for an ambulance, police attention, or the fire brigade, dial 112.
• To report an assault or crime to the police, dial 902 102 112.
• For motor vehicle accidents, traffic reports, or weather related emergencies, dial 011.
Emergency Spanish Phrases you may find useful
• Help! (emergency): Socorro
• I need an Ambulance : Necesito una ambulancia / Necesito que me envíen una ambulancia.
• I live in — Vivo en
• Fire! — ¡Fuego!
• Police– Policia
More Spanish Emergency telephone numbers that you may need while in Spain
• Emergencies: 112
• Health emergencies: 061
• National Police: 091
• Local Police: 092
British Consular Emergency Service /Embassy for Spain
Emergency queries – Usually the office returns your call within one hour 91 524 97 00
British Embassy Madrid- General enquiries 91 700 82 00, 91 319 0200 , +34 917 146 300
If you need urgent help, for example, you’ve been arrested, attacked or someone has died, call +34 91 714 6300
What to do If you have lost or need an emergency passport or travel document for Spain
in Spain and you have lost your passport or your passport has been stolen, you may wonder how to get a new or replacement passport in time to travel. Fortunately, you can apply for an emergency travel document . This applies if your passport is damaged or has expired.
Police in Spain / Spanish Police number
The Local Police (policía local), the National Police (Policía Nacional), and the Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) make up the three different types of police forces in Spain. The National Police has the widest range of responsibilities, as they look after national security, organised crime, and terrorism. The local or municipal police are likely the first police that you will see. They are recruited by the local town hall or Ayuntamiento. The local police deal with crimes in each local area, including traffic offences, theft and disputes. Finally, the guardia civil is Spain’s oldest police force. It is run by the military and primarily operates in rural areas and on the autovia or motorway. But its not uncommon to see the guardia civil waiting on local roads that join the motorway.
Spanish Emergency numbers & useful information for Alicante and Murcia
112 is the nationwide free emergency telephone number in Spain for all emergencies in the country. Emergency operators speak English and Spanish. Even though the 112 emergency service accessible nationwide, there are central offices that are cared for by each Spanish local region.
• Alicante Airport, Adrress: L’Altet, Alicante, Spain +34 913 21 10 00
• Región de Murcia International Airport Address: Avda. de España 101. 30154 Valladolises y Lo Jurado (Murcia) Telephone: +34 913 21 10 00
Malaga Spain – important telephone numbers
• Malaga International Airport:
+34 952 04 84 84
• Cruise Terminal Malaga:
+34 952 12 50 26
•María Zambrano Train Station Malaga:
+34 902 32 03 20
• Central Bus Station Malaga:
+34 952 35 00 61
• SATE (Foreign Tourist Attention
Service) +34 902 99 98 18 , +34951 92 61 61

Remember that it doesn’t matter if you are on vacation in Madrid, Benidorm, Malaga, or somewhere in the Canaries; the Spanish emergency telephone number 112 is a universal European emergency number. All three emergency services: the fire brigade (bomberos), police (policía), and the ambulance service (ambulancía) can all be reached urgently. Please familiarise yourself with the few basic Spanish words above to report health incidents, fires or crime. Please note that even salvage and rescue or any serious security issues can also be reported via this number.